111th NAACP National Convention (Virtual)
The voices from millions across the country have made it known that enough is enough – We Are Done Dying. The 111th NAACP National Convention will be hosted virtually featuring social activist, industry leaders, and public servants discussing the actions and solutions necessary to improve, protect, and change our communities. Join us for pivotal discussions surrounding the impacts of COVID-19, social justice, stabilizing economics and education in our communities, and what we can do mobilize voters across the country from protest to the polls.

$1 Billion Commitment to the Community
The Detroit Branch NAACP presents a special forum with TCF Bank to discuss its new project of a $1 billion dollar commitment to Black, minority, women and small businesses. Join us for a special discussion on this new program.

NAACP National Virtual Convention
In the wake of a COVID-19 reality and the aftermath of global uprisings against racism in our country, it is more important than ever that the 111th National Convention takes place.