
April 25 - 27, 2025

Complete this form to receive information about the 2025 ACT-SO Competition.

The NAACP’s Afro-Academic, Cultural, Technological and Scientific Olympics (ACT-SO) is a yearlong achievement program designed to recruit, stimulate, and encourage high academic and cultural achievement among African American high school students. ACT-SO includes 33 competitions in STEM, Humanities, Business, and Performing, Visual and Culinary Arts. Almost 300,000 young people have participated in the program since its inception. For over forty years the mission of ACT-SO has been to prepare, recognize and reward youth of African descent who exemplify scholastic and artistic excellence.

Medals & Prizes

Competition is open to all Metro-Detroit High School students.

Students are competing for medals, cash prizes and the opportunity to advance to the National NAACP ACT-SO Competition.


Gold Medal

Advancement to National NAACP ACT-SO Competition with all expenses covered


Silver Medal


Bronze Medal


NAACP Detroit Branch
& NAACP Detroit Youth Council Key Dates:

  • Application Deadline

  • Business & Humanities Competitions

  • STEM, Visual Arts & Performing Arts Competitions

  • Culinary Arts Competition


Interested in competing in the NAACP Detroit Branch and NAACP Detroit Youth Council ACT-SO Competition? Please follow these 3 steps!

  1. Review the 2025 Categories and Competitions information below.

  2. Download and complete the application. Students may compete in up to three (3) categories.

  3. All interested competitors must complete the Statement of Integrity and return it with your application.

  4. If you are competing in any of the following categories please take note:

      You must submit the business plan with your application.

      You must submit your music composition, original essay, play, poem, short story with your application.

    • PERFORMING ARTS - Poetry Performance Only
      You must submit your poem with your application

    • STEM
      You must submit your science paper and Science Verification Writ with your application.

Application Deadline is April 16, 2025


Submit the completed application in one of the following ways:

  • Via email:

  • Via fax: (313) 871-7745

  • Via mail:
    NAACP Detroit Branch
    Attn: ACT-SO
    8220 2nd Avenue
    Detroit, MI 48202

2025 Categories
and Competitions

Students may compete in up to 3 competitions, except those competing in Culinary and Hospitality. 

  • Click on the category title to view the requirements.

    Refers to owning, organizing, and managing your own business by providing a necessary product or service.

  • Click on the category title to view the requirements.

    Culinary Arts
    The creative practice of cooking. One who engages in the culinary arts, or a culinarian, is either called a cook or a chef depending on their level of expertise.

  • Click on the category title to view the requirements.

    Music Composition
    The science or art of arranging music by ordering tones or sounds in succession, in combination or in temporal relationships to produce a composition having unity and continuity.

    Original Essay
    A brief examination of a subject in prose usually expressing a personal view or interpretation of a subject or topic.

    A literary composition developed for the stage.

    A composition, marked by language chosen for its sound, beauty and evocative power.

    Short Story
    A brief examination of a subject in prose usually expressing a personal view or interpretation of a subject or topic.

  • Click on the category title to view the requirements.

    Dance: Ballet
    To perform a series of rhythmic and highly technical patterned bodily movements usually performed to music using grace and precision.

    Dance: Contemporary
    To perform a series of rhythmic and technical patterned bodily movements usually performed to music.

    Dance: Modern
    To perform a series of rhythmic and patterned bodily movements usually performed to music that focuses on the dancer’s interpretations using their emotions and moods to develop choreography.

    Dance: Traditional
    To perform a series of rhythmic and patterned bodily movements usually performed to music to reflect the life of the people of a certain region or country.

    Dramatic Arts: Acting
    The art of staging or acting plays.

    Music: Instrumental—Classical
    The art of performing with a device used to produce music with tones of the late 18th and 19th centuries characterized by an emphasis on balance, clarity, and moderation.

    Music: Instrumental—Contemporary
    The art of performing with a device used to produce music with the tones of the present.

    Music: Vocal—Classical
    The art of performing with the human voice rhythmic tones or sounds of the late 18th and 19th centuries characterized by an emphasis on balance, clarity, and moderation.

    Music: Vocal—Contemporary
    The art of performing with the human voice rhythmic tones or sounds to produce music with the tones of the present.

    The art of effective written, and oral presentation to persuade or inform. (This is not a dramatic presentation.)

    An original poem or prose, written by the contestant, performed as a monologue or exchange involving extemporization.

  • Click on the category title to view the requirements.

    Plans for and models of structures and outdoor spaces.

    The science of life or of the origin, structure, reproduction, growth and development of living organisms collectively.

    The science that deals with the composition, structure and properties of chemical processes and phenomena of substances and the transformation that they undergo.

    Computer Science
    The science that deals with the theoretical aspects of computers including storage and the transformation of data using computers.

    Earth And Space Sciences
    The body of sciences that include geology, mineralogy, physiographic, oceanography, meteorology, climatology, astronomy, speleology, seismology, geography, etc.

    Projects that directly apply scientific principles to manufacturing and practical uses.

    The science of numbers and their operations, interrelations, combinations, generalizations, and abstractions of spaced con gurations and their structure. Development of formal logical systems or various numerical and algebraic computations and the application of these principles.

    Medicine And Health
    The study of diseases and health of humans and animals.

    Theories, principles, and laws governing energy and the effect of energy on matter.

  • Click on the category title to view the requirements.

    The art of representing forms and figures on a surface by means of lines executed by hand or computer (digital) generated processes.

    The art and process of making motion pictures.

    Art created by applying pigment on a two-dimensional surface with a brush, knife, or hand and/or the manipulation of digital processes with a computer.

    The process, art and technique of capturing images with an analog or digital camera.

    The art of making three-dimensional forms or designs.


  • The NAACP's Afro-Academic, Cultural, Technological and Scientific Olympics is a yearlong achievement program designed to recruit, stimulate, and encourage high academic and cultural achievement among African-American high school students.

    ACT-SO includes 33 competitions in STEM, humanities, business, and performing, visual and culinary arts. Almost 300,000 young people have participated from the program since its inception.

  • ACT-SO was founded in 1978 by author and journalist Vernon Jarrett. The program is intended to provide recognition to young people who could demonstrate academic, scientific, and artistic achievement, allowing young people to gain recognition equal to that often achieved by entertainers and athletes.

  • Students of African descent who are U.S. citizens enrolled in grades 9-12 and are amateurs in the categories are eligible to participate.

  • The ACT-SO program is an enrichment program. Over the course of each year students work with local volunteer instructors and mentors to develop projects and participate in enrichment opportunities, including workshops, tutorials and field trips specific to their competitions.

    The local ACT-SO competitions and ceremonies showcase the results of the students’ hard work. Competition winners receive medals and prizes provided by the local and regional sponsors and contributors. The local Gold Medalists advance to the national competition and have the opportunity to receive scholarships and other rewards provided by national sponsors.

  • ACT-SO is a community-based program that provides multiple opportunities for involvement. Community members may participate as: Chairpersons, mentors, sponsors, organizers, competitors, benefactors, educational partners, etc.. The program receives support from schools, local businesses, community organizations, churches, foundations, major corporations and individuals. For more detailed criteria and information about how to get involved, please contact the National ACT-SO office.

Rev. Dr. Wendell Anthony, President
Ms. Kamilia Landrum, Executive Director
LaToya Henry, Program Chair, ACT-SO

NAACP Detroit Branch and NAACP Detroit Youth Council ACT-SO Program Sponsored By: