Strategic Priorities
Afro-Academic, Cultural, Technological, Scientific Olympics (ACT-SO)
ACT-SO is a yearlong scholastic enrichment program where participants flex the most important muscle – the “mind.” Just as an athlete trains before competition, so must the ACT-SO participant with coaches and mentors in preparing for the local competition.
Local NAACP chapters hold programs across the country for students in grades 9-12 in 32 categories that include the sciences, music, and drama to name a few. All gold medal winners from the local competition qualify to compete with other local winners at the National NAACP’s ACT-SO Competition, which is held apart of the National NAACP’s Annual Convention.
Art & Essay Contest
Thirty years ago the NAACP Detroit Branch, Coca-Cola, and the Detroit Public Schools district came together to allow students to portray their knowledge of civil rights history.
The Art & Essay competition is an excellent opportunity for elementary through high school students to showcase their artistic talents through various pens and brushes. Students have the opportunity to demonstrate through their talents “What The Civil Rights Struggle Means to Me.”
Over the past 30 years this partnership has distributed more than $250,000 in scholarship dollars to students in the community. Students have the opportunity to win first, second, or third place in each category.
Ask the Lawyer
The NAACP Detroit Branch “Ask The Lawyer” program is a service to its members and residents of the city of Detroit. Once a month attorneys will be available virtually to provide FREE 10-15 minute legal advice.
Volunteers from some of the most prominent law firms in Detroit will participate, donating their time and resources to help the community. “Ask The Lawyer” will take place on the 3rd Thursday of each month from 10 a.m. -- 2 p.m.. Appointments must be scheduled beforehand. Please email legalredress@detroitnaacp.org to schedule your appointment. The scope of the free consultations will range from:
Employment Issues
Contracts, Including Mortgages and Loans
Probate, Conservatorship & Guardianship
Drivers License Suspensions
Social Security Disability & Medicare
Bankruptcy & Debt Collections
Divorce, Custody & Child Support
And, Credit Cards & Identity Theft
The NAACP Detroit Branch does not provide legal representation to persons inquiring about legal matters. The NAACP Detroit Branch will review the matters you bring to our attention, and, if appropriate, refer you to potential legal representation if your matter falls within our scope of services. After referral, the question of representation, and compensation for representation, will be determined by you and the attorney, without further input from the NAACP Detroit Branch.
Back To School Stay In School Program
The Back to School Stay in School Family Day program was created in response to the alarming high school drop out rates. The program’s goals are to increase the number of skilled and literate African American youth graduating from high school by providing them with mentoring, tutoring, remedial assistance and incentives for maintaining regular attendance.
At the annual event the NAACP Detroit Branch partners with the North End Youth Improvement Council and host the annual family fun day at the Delores Bennett park in the heart of the community. This event attracts thousands of participants each year. Students receive school supplies such as notebooks, backpacks, pens, and pencils to prepare them for a healthy school year. With food, music and entertainment participants always have a wonderful time.
Building Resources In Detroit, Giving Expanded Services (B.R.I.D.G.E.S)
The NAACP Detroit Branch along with members of the law enforcement, civic, business, philanthropic and faith based communities came together to help push Detroit forward. This initial (2010) meeting took place at Martin Luther King Jr. Senior High School; the Building Resources In Detroit, Giving Expanded Service (B.R.I.D.G.E.S) initiative was born. This community discussion served as the catalyst to develop solutions right now for the community, policing and youth violence prevention for young people between the ages of 14-24. To participate in the program young people must either be a Detroit resident or a DPSCD student. The six weeks of summer employment, done in partnership with Grow Detroit Young Talent (GDYT) includes workshops, and professional development sessions.
Come To Tee Golf Outing & Benefit
The Come to Tee Golf Outing and Benefit raises funds for the NAACP Detroit Branch and NAACP Detroit Youth Council Afro-Academic, Cultural, Technological, Scientific Olympics (ACT-SO) programs and for the NAACP Detroit Youth Council. ACT-SO is a year-long enrichment program designed to recruit, stimulate, improve and encourage high academic and cultural achievement among African-American high school students. The ACT-SO Program centers around the dedication and commitment of community volunteers and business leaders to serve as mentors and coaches and to promote academic and artistic excellence among African-American students. There are 32 categories of competition in the STEM, Humanities, Business, Performing Arts, Visual Arts and Culinary Arts. Your support of Come to Tee helps us facilitate an award winning local ACT-SO Program.
Jobs! Jobs! Jobs! -- A Super Career Expo
The NAACP Detroit Branch seeks to match opportunity with potential when it hosts Jobs! Jobs! Jobs! – A Super Career Expo. This event is free and open to the public and includes highlights such as career-oriented workshops on interviewing skills, resume writing, professional dress, workers' rights, and online job searching tips and tools.