Wednesday, August 28, 2024
Fox Hills Golf & Banquet Center
8768 N. Territorial Rd.
Plymouth, MI 48170
7:00 A.M. Registration
9:00 A.M. Shotgun Start
11:00 A.M. Golf Clinic Registration

Proceeds to support the
ACT-SO Program
Benefits of your Contribution
On Wednesday, August 28, 2024 the NAACP Detroit Branch is presenting its 27th Golf Outing and Benefit. Your support of Come To Tee provides an opportunity for Metro Detroit youth to participate with the NAACP Detroit Branch and NAACP Detroit Youth Council ACT-SO Programs and sponsoring of the Detroit NAACP Youth Council.
ACT-SO, founded by Mr. Vernon Jarrett in 1978, is a yearlong achievement program designed to recruit, stimulate, and encourage high academic and cultural achievement among African-American high school students. ACT-SO includes 33 competitions in Business, Culinary Arts, Humanities, STEM, Performing Arts, and Visual Arts.
Mr. Marvin Beatty
In Detroit, it is the vision of Come to Tee Golf Outing and Benefit founder Mr. Marvin Beatty, to raise funds, prepare, recognize and reward youth of African descent who exemplify scholastic, artistic and leadership excellence and showcase the talent of Detroit on the national stage. Since its inception in 1996, the Detroit Branch NAACP has supported thousands of young people to exceed their academic and cultural expectations by your support of this worthy cause!
Make the commitment to be a sponsor, participate or donate today!
Join the fun – 1st and 2nd place Trophies, Hole-in-One Prizes, Longest Drive, Closest To The Pin (Men and Women) Door Prizes, Mulligans, Silent Auction, Great Games, Pro Tips, and Entertainment by ACT-SO Participants.
Click below to download the sponsorship form and digital flyer.
Individuals & Foursomes
Continental Breakfast
Lunch at Turn with Open Bar
18 Holes of Golf*
*Does not include clinic participants. Clinic participants will receive course practice
2023 Vernon Jarrett National ACT-SO Founder
Sponsorship Opportunities
Designated Sponsors
The NAACP Detroit Branch encourages you, your friends and/or your organization to take advantage of the following sponsorship opportunities: