Career Connections JobClub

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Career Connection JobClub is a formal group that meets for 8 weeks of coaching from staffing managers and others in the community. Participants will have the opportunity to learn about new local career opportunities, ask questions and learn new skills needed while navigating in your career during such a unique time in the World. 
Additional JobClub Benefits:

  • Participants can earn the opportunity to receive free professional coaching from our partners at NextJob

  • Find needed talent: Are you in need of staff with your business? Join us to meet some amazing people to add to your team! Send us your work opportunities so that we can share!

  • Receive access to resources, such as an online portal with templates and job search tools.

  • Learn best practices for tools like LinkedIn and Indeed.

  • Topics Include: Finding your new career during COVID and completing a successful virtual interview

  • Create a resume that represents your strengths and experience


General Membership Meeting


When the People Speak the powers must listen